Maia is a 13-year-old QH mare and is approximately 14.2 hands. She was rescued from a kill pen and later discovered that she was in foal. She gave birth to a beautiful Dun filly Star. Maia is not for a beginner for she does have some go to her. When I mean go, she would rather trot than walk. She would make a great lady’s horse or an experienced youth. Maia does have some arthritis in one of her stifles and requires a maintenance injection medication but can still be ridden lightly. She would also make a great companion horse.

Talk about one handsome guy! Rimrock is a 13-year-old QH gelding that was rescued from a kill pen. As with most horses that come from a kill pen it took time for him to regroup mentally and physically. He loves to be brushed and pampered but on occasion can be jumpy with sudden movements. Rimrock has navicular and is on a daily anti-inflammatory medication. He would make a great companion horse.

This boy is a tank! He is a 15-year-old gelding and standing approximately 15.3 hands. Zeus was dumped at an auction where he was purchased by a kill buyer. We rescued him from the kill pen. This poor guy had been through the ringer. When he arrived at the rescue, he was lame and looked defeated. It took him awhile to settle in and realize that he was safe. He is a totally different horse now and loves attention and lets you give him kisses. We put Zeus in with Rowdy when Rowdy was approximately 2 months old, so he has pretty much raised him and has been incredible with him. Zeus has ringbone and is currently on a daily anti-inflammatory medication. He would make someone a great companion horse or pasture mate for your other four-legged friends.

This poor girl has been through a lot and was rescued from a kill pen. She is a beautiful 13-year-old Red Dun mare and is approximately 15.1 hands. When Athena arrived at the rescue, she did not want anything to do with anybody. She had wounds on the back of all her fetlocks where she had possible been hobbled, but we will never know for sure what happened. This girl had most definitely been abused! Athena now loves attention and the neighbor’s cattle. She loves to be brushed, pampered, and spoiled in general. She is also great for the farrier. We were told that she is broke to ride but have not saddled her yet. We will be sending her off to a trainer or having a trainer come here to work with her.